Author Story
Jerry Peppers Author Story Continued
According to our kick-off speaker, Jerry Peppers, The Lincoln Highway brought together the ‘Main Street Across America’ and the nation’s most famous intersection—Broadway and 42nd Street, the eastern terminus of the Lincoln Highway.
Jerry Peppers enjoys traveling and he has spent much time exploring America by car, especially the Lincoln Highway. But no matter where he has traveled, it’s not ultimately about the roads, buildings, history or scenery, it is always about the people! At our kick-off event, held Sunday, January 22, Jerry regaled an enthusiastic audience with a travelogue across the country on the Lincoln Highway.
There was a raffle of author signed copies of The Lincoln Highway, Gentleman in Moscow and Rules of Civility.
There was also a drawing for a selection of door prizes including: annual memberships in the Lincoln Highway Association, Lincoln Highway coffee mugs, Lincoln Highway cell phone back wallets, and Classic Lincoln Highway Maps.
An amazing cake decorated with an amazing design, delicious cookies and punch were served by our hospitality committee (for the first time since the pandemic)! It was a celebration.