Enjoy A Museum
Visit on Us!
The Capital District and the surrounding area are rich with museums filled with cultural, historical and natural information.
We invite you to visit a museum on us. The Friends of the Library is pleased to sponsor the Museum Pass Program. For additional information and to place a request for a museum pass, visit the CPH Library Catalog Museum Pass pages.
View our museum passes here.
How Do We Sponsor The Museum Pass Program?
The Friends of the Library offer the Museum Pass Program due to the success of its many fundraising activities. Our Membership Fee Donations, gifts from generous donors, revenue from the Used Book Sales; the sale of Engraved Pavers, Book Totes, and Backpacks; and revenue from bus trips and our Collette Vacation trips allow the Friends of the Library to offer this unique service to our library patrons who live in the CPH Library District. For information on becoming a Friend of the Library, go to our membership page. For additional information and to place a request for a museum pass, visit the CPH Library Catalog Museum Pass pages.