About Us
The Friends are a collection of interested adults and youth dedicated to supporting the Library, our Center for Lifelong Learning. We welcome new members and volunteers!
The Friends of the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership organization. We exist to help the Library do more for the community. Members raise funds through activities like our Used Book Sales and membership donations, and volunteer for Library and Friends events. Through it all, we have a good time helping our wonderful Library.
Here’s a sampling of what we do:
- Support the library
- Deliver books to those who can’t come to the library
- Present events related to our community read – the Two Towns One Book program
- Travel to interesting destinations
- Award two scholarships to community members
- Offer engraved pavers outside the library
- Underwrite passes to many local museums
Our Mission and Goals
Each year, the Friends of the Library Board reviews our Mission Statement and Goals, which represent the direction our Board intends to pursue in the year ahead. We invite you to join us in our efforts to support our “community center for life-long learning!” Without the support of our membership, we wouldn’t achieve these goals. Please review how we intend to connect the Library to our community and, should you see something that interests you, read more about it on our Volunteer page. Our By-laws can be viewed here. Let us know if you are interested in volunteering by contacting us at CPHFriends@nycap.rr.com.
Get Involved
Join a network of friends who enjoy attending and planning wonderful events and activities for our community to enjoy that promote the image of our library. Plus, you benefit at every membership level! Read about how your membership donation keeps giving!