Book Friendly Newsletters
Changes are afoot! Book Friendly will become a blog-style newsletter in 2025. Blog posts will be published monthly on the Blog page of this website, with links to the articles pushed out on our Constant Contact email service. Anyone interested in reading the current or past posts will always be able to find them on our website, along with past traditional Book Friendly issues. Back issues of the traditional Book Friendly are available below.
Write an Article!
Interested in writing a book review or possibly other topics.
o Authors’ writings do not necessarily reflect the views of the Friends of the Clifton Park – Halfmoon Public Library.
o Authors retain rights to all their own work.
o Works and photos are used with permission of authors.
What potential authors need to know:
o Submissions should be written in Microsoft Word.
o Email submissions to
o Please include a statement granting the Book Friendly blog permission to use your work.